Our coalition

Founded on March 25, 2010 in Skopje, Str. ” Vodnjanska ”number 17, identification number (EMB) 6473681, tax number (EDB) 4080010510536.

The level of action of the organization is the promotion, development and dissemination of health awareness. The main sector of activity of the organization is education in the field of health of the young population in the Republic of Northern Macedonia.


The thematic priorities of the organization are: improving the quality of medical education in Macedonia by organizing educational and research activities, conducting professional and research exchanges with IFMSA member countries, contributing to raising the quality of students’ professional knowledge and raising public awareness for medical and health issues affecting the population.

Founded on 20.09.2019 in Stip, Str. March 8, no. 3, Stip, identification number (EMBS) 7383002, tax number (EDB) 4029019523090.

The main sector of activity of the organization is health and health care.

The thematic priorities of the organization are: cooperation with national and international studentс and medical organizations; non-governmental organizations and public institutions; raising awareness regarding health and well-being; engaging in improving health conditions and standards; care, protection and promotion of the health of workers; emphasizing the health of mother and newborn; opening up perspectives on improving mental health; changing the perception of people with disabilities through their inclusion in society; health promotion and healthy living habits.